Individual Coaching

A personalized program will be set up to help you regain your health and vitality and move forward with your projects.

Natural Health & Body therapy

Individual Coaching: Natural Health & Body therapy

Offer yourself the opportunity for a true transformation of your health and wellness.

A personalized guidance of human development that accompanies you in the knowledge of yourself, the transcendence of traumas, sufferings and blockages and the recovery of vitality. This global accompaniment will allow you a smooth transition towards natural health and the opportunity to know yourself in depth thanks to body therapy techniques, the connection with the laws of life through nutrition, body intelligence, naturopathy, coaching techniques, your uniqueness and your unique history and the faith that will encourage you to change and to go all the way to heal your blockages and to finally be WELL.

You will be accompanied with kindness and respect, in the frequency that corresponds to you. Let’s talk!

Programme Graine de vie : Santé naturelle & Thérapie corporelle

Inscris-toi pour 4 mois de vraie transformation au niveau de ta santé et de ton bien-être

Un accompagnement unique en ligne de 4 mois, en groupe qui t’accompagne dans la transition en douceur vers la santé naturelle et qui te permet de te connaître en profondeur grâce à des techniques de thérapie corporelle. La force de cet accompagnement repose sur la connexion aux lois du vivant à travers l’alimentation, l’intelligence du corps, la naturopathie, les mécanismes de la thérapie corporelle, la force du groupe et la foi qui va t’animer pour changer et aller au bout pour guérir tes blocages et être enfin BIEN.

Presentación del apoyo

Each person is unique and so is each accompaniment.


A personalized plan will be created to work together to help you release what is blocking you and regain your healing-creative power.

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Do you feel blocked, anxious, lacking self-confidence or in physical pain? Do you feel you need to change something in your life, but don’t know what, how or where to start?
You have tried many solutions, but nothing really changes, do you want to heal what blocks you, recover your healing-creative power and become the actor of your life again?
Tu te sens bloqué(e), tu vis de l’anxiété, tu as des douleurs physiques? tu sens qu’il faut que tu change quelque chose dans ta vie mais tu ne sais pas quoi, comment ni pas quoi commencer?
Tu as essayé plusieurs solutions mais rien ne change vraiment, tu souhaites guérir de ce qui te bloque, reprendre ton pouvoir guérisseur-créateur et redevenir l’acteur(trice) de ta vie?

Ce programme est
pour toi !

This coachig is for you!

It is a unique accompaniment that allows a deep and global work. If you really want to change and heal, go to heal the root and not the leaves, this is the real healing! it is a transformation process. In this coaching, you will be able to take back control of your life, releasing and transcending your blockages and giving you the tools of natural health and explaining the fundamentals of illness and health. You will also learn to connect with your body and listen to it. We will work together holistically to find better vitality, health and wellness.

This accompaniment is a seed of life. It is up to you to water it so that it may flourish with vitality.

Price session


Duration: Flexible

Price session

60 €

Duration : Flexible

Coaching Phases

Our approach is based on 3 main phases: presence, liberation and creation.

Phase One : Presence

In the Presence stage, we get to know ourselves, to become aware of our emotions, our blockages, our relational, emotional and bodily mechanisms. This is the stage that can also be called "I in the whole".

-What is my position in the world around me (family, partner, work, friends)?

-How do I react to my surroundings (my emotions, my beliefs, my relational mechanisms...)?

- What do I want to achieve (my goals, my desires, my mission in life...)?

- What prevents me from moving forward?

- Assessment of vitality and health

Phase Two : Liberation

Once the blockages have been determined in the Presence phase, we will work on a release plan using energetic techniques, guided meditation and visualization, body therapy, art therapy, natural health methods.

We will implement a health and nutrition plan.

Phase three : Creation

The creation stage is the phase in which a plan for the realization of the objectives is elaborated. It is the phase in which we move towards our best version. The support is based on tools that will be customized according to the formulated objective.

The features of the coaching

Personalized support is based on natural health, expressive life movement and coaching. The program is online (or in presence in Malaga) and is open-ended.

The basics of natural health

Learn the fundamentals of natural health, unknown ancestral healing methods and apply them in a supported transition plan.

Expressive life movement

Connect with your body and experience body therapy through exercises that will allow you to get to know yourself better and release blockages.


The program is tailored to your needs, your lifestyle and your schedule. We develop the support plan in collaboration with you.


The duration depends on each person, but it is recommended to follow the plan according to the 3 phases of coaching. The frequency of the sessions also varies.

The coach's experience

You will be accompanied by Wafeya Kà, facilitator of expressif life movement and initiator in natural health. She has received training in coaching, body therapy techniques (Rio abierto España) and nutritional and naturopathic counseling. In addition, she has been experimenting for several years with all the tools she shares.

Individual commitment

This coaching gives you tools, accompanies you, but it is you who will create your change, you are the actor of your life and the effectiveness of this program depends on your commitment.

Why choose this kind of coaching?

Présentation du programme

Je m’appelle Wafeya, et c’est moi qui va t’accompagner dans ce programme
Je m’appelle Wafeya Kà, je suis facilitatrice de thérapie corporelle et initiatrice à la santé fondamentale.
Ce qui m’est arrivée de plus important dans ma vie, et ce qui m’apporte le plus de bonheur, est de manger crudivegan (fruits et des légumes crus et des noix), de me soigner naturellement avec des méthodes ancestrales et d’avoir entrepris moi-même une thérapie corporelle et reconnecté avec mon corps. J’ai toujours une belle énergie, je ne suis plus fatiguée, je suis rarement malade, j’ai une foi et une confiance en la vie de plus en plus grande et ma santé me le rappelle tous les jours.
Aujourd’hui je combine le vivant avec le mouvement pour accompagner la libération (guérison) et la création à travers le corps, l’énergie et le retour au vivant. Cet accompagnement est le résultat de 5 ans d’expérimentation pour vous accompagner à trouver votre chemin de santé et votre vitalité à travers les outils de la santé naturelle et la thérapie corporelle. Votre monde sera meilleur, je vous le promet!


Je m’appelle Wafeya, et c’est moi qui va t’accompagner dans ce programme

Je suis facilitatrice de thérapie corporelle et initiatrice à la santé fondamentale.
Ce qui m’est arrivé de plus important dans ma vie, et ce qui m’apporte le plus de bonheur, est de manger crudivegan (fruits et des légumes crus et des noix), de me soigner naturellement avec des méthodes ancestrales et d’avoir entrepris moi-même une thérapie corporelle et j’ai reconnecté avec mon corps. J’ai toujours une belle énergie, je ne suis plus fatiguée, je suis rarement malade, j’ai une foi et une confiance en la vie de plus en plus grande et ma santé me le rappelle au quotidien.
Aujourd’hui je combine le vivant avec le mouvement pour accompagner la libération (guérison) et la création à travers le corps, l’énergie et le retour au vivant. Cet accompagnement est le résultat de 5 ans d’expérimentation pour vous accompagner à trouver votre chemin de santé et votre vitalité à travers les outils de la santé naturelle et la thérapie corporelle. Votre monde sera meilleur, je vous le promet!

Formations et expériences

Certified coach in solution-oriented approach

Consultant in nutritional rebalancing and naturopathy (Certificate recognized by the Professional Syndicate of Naturopathy)

Body Therapy Facilitator (Rio Abierto Training)

+5 years of natural health experimentation
(Certified by the School of Life)

Natural Health Workshop
by Irène Grosjean

Training "The basics of energetic care "Reiki

“The day I started eating living foods and healing naturally I understood the importance of vitality. Being alive does not necessarily mean having good vitality. Vitality can be cultivated and is the engine of health and creativity. We are the guardians of our body and our vitality, everything can change for the better and it starts with a seed of life.”

Founder of  Flōvida


Do you have questions?

I answer the most frequently asked questions

How it works?

Sessions are done online and/or face-to-face in Malaga. We meet for the first time to get to know each other, and then we will establish a personalized plan and frequency.

What exactly does this coaching consist of?

This Coaching consists in working on a transition plan towards natural health. I (Wafeya kà) work according to ancestral methods (fasting, herbs, purging, living foods). Everything you need to improve and cleanse your body. I also accompany you with body therapy mechanisms to release what you need to release and connect with your body. I also use energy healing, massage, visualization, art therapy).

How much does it cost?

The price of one session is 40 euros

Price session

60,00 €

Duration : Flexible

Let's get in touch

Espagne : +34 67972734

Montréal :(+1) 514 942 2303


Espagne : +34 67972734

Montréal :(+1) 514 942 2303

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